Equita Limited

Collaborative Approach

Income from Council Tax is vital to help maintain public services and uncollected funds create further pressure on stretched resources. We quickly assess an individual’s ability to pay and take rapid action to reach an early-stage settlement. We work collaboratively with our clients and adapt our approach, always treating your customers with respect.

We have extensive experience with Council Tax, enabling us to gain a unique perspective on effective techniques for recovering Council Tax debt.

We always take an ethical approach to collection and signpost people in financial difficulty towards help with budgeting and managing debt. This includes extensive training on recognising and managing financial difficultly, vulnerability and mental health awareness – not only internally, but for our clients and third sector partners.  

We operate seven days a week to maximise contact opportunities throughout the compliance and enforcement process. Our approach is tailored to individual needs, and always aim to collect debts at compliance – minimising fees for customers and maximising speed of collection for clients.  

We work with a number of key partners to ensure that our Propensity to Pay modelling, data-appending and tracing are second to none. 

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We understand the difficult balance our clients must strike between commercial delivery and social empathy. Our years of industry experience combined with our focus on people and technical modernisation means that we get results and we do the right thing for our clients and their communities.

Martyn Shapter, Managing Director