Equita Limited

Responsible Enforcement

From our head office based in Northampton, we have developed our service over 140 years providing enforcement and debt recovery services to local authorities, commercial landlords and private parking providers across the UK. Our network of local offices and 1,000-strong team – including over 350 enforcement officers and specialist welfare advisers – enables us to provide an effective service to our clients wherever they are based.

Our track record in handling public money speaks for itself and our quality of service is backed by a performance guarantee bond. We take our responsibilities seriously and work hard to safeguard our reputation in this highly competitive market by continuously going the extra mile for our clients.

Our Approach

Our clients are charged with protecting public funds and we are proud to boast one of the highest collection rates in the industry, while taking a responsible and ethical approach at all times.

Our work requires trust, integrity and empathy. We know that we are working with people facing difficult financial circumstances. Our role is not to judge but to help them resolve issues and move forward with their lives. While our mission is always to recover our clients’ funds as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, we aim to treat people fairly, handling those who may be vulnerable with care and sensitivity.

Our experience enables us to fulfil our responsibilities while maintaining respectful, clear communications with our clients customers.

We ensure that people know who we work for, we outline the enforcement process and set out the penalties for non-payment. We also provide access to advice where needed and help people to better understand their options

From local taxation and parking enforcement to sundry debt collection and High Court enforcement, we devise a bespoke service package for each client that evolves as their needs change. Equita makes full use of the latest market intelligence, client data and by harnessing the latest technology to deliver insight-led enforcement effectively.

Professional Services

Equita guarantees a fast, effective service delivered by a highly professional team with decades of experience. Our track record for high collection rates enables us to recover over £100 million for our clients each year.

Agile & Responsive

We move quickly, visiting within hours of receiving clearance and always within 24 hours, seven days a week. Instructions received before noon will see us issue a Notice of Enforcement on the same day.

Harnessing Technology

All our activities make use of the latest digital developments from wearable technology and tablets for our enforcement agents to online case management, and multiple payment options for customers.

Ethical & Sensitive

We can be relied upon to work with sensitivity to protect vulnerable people and safeguard the reputation of our clients. Our comprehensive audit, risk and compliance processes are designed to give you peace of mind and you can trust us to operate professionally at all times.

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